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Sakai Tutorials

Embedding Videos into Sakai

Videos can be uploaded into Sakai course sites using Warpwire. Warpwire will automatically stream your videos directly in your site. Instructors can add Warpwire to their course sites through Site Info > Manage Tools.

Here is more information on Warpwire, including support documentation:

Youtube videos can also be embedded in a Sakai site.  To embed a video into a Sakai page, you will need the embed code for the video. Here is an example of getting the embed code of a YouTube video:

  1. Navigate to video
  2. Click Share icon below video
  3. Click Embed icon
  4. Put check in box for appropriate selection. Be sure to put check in “Use old embed code”
  5. Copy embed code in box (Ctrl + C for PC, Command + C for Mac)

Screenshot of copying Embed Code from a Youtube video page.


Now that you have the embed code:

To embed the video into the Discussion and Private Messages tool, see instructions here.

To embed the video into a Sakai page for all other tools with a Rich-Text Editor:

  1. Select tool from course menu in which you want to embed video
  2. In tool’s Rich-Text Editor, select Embed Media icon to bring up Embed Media Dialog box

Screenshot of Embed Media Icon in Sakai Rich-Text Editor.

  1. Paste video embed code into box (Ctrl + C for PC, Command + C for Mac) and click OK

Screenshot of pasting Embed Code into Embed Media Dialog box.

  1. Flash box will appear in Rich-Text Editor

Screenshot of Flash box.

  1. Click Update/Save
  2. The video will now appear on the Sakai page

Screenshot of successfully embedded  video.